Independent Medical Examination Services
QME remains true to our roots and founding principles. Since 1997, we have been committed to creating relationships of respect and trust while providing the most accurate, defensible and timely reports in the industry.
Years in business
Available providers
Client companies served
Average days for report turnaround
QME, Your Elite Resource
As the local leader in the Northeast, QME has established personal relationships with our doctor network and maintains our own regional clinics.
Our local knowledge combined with our extensive network enables us to provide the most experienced evaluations at the most competitive price. In fact, some national vendors leverage our knowledge and coverage.
Medical Exams
Your QME experience will exceed expectations with each referral. Whether it is a preferred physician or location, a specific timeframe, or the need for an expedited report, our goal is to meet all the details of your request and keep you informed each step along the way.
Upon receipt of your IME referral, QME’s team will:
- Promptly schedule the IME appointment according to your needs.
- Notify all parties of the upcoming appointment and any specific instructions necessary including a “letter in the mail” text, transportation, and interpreter coordination.
- Thoroughly prepare the medical file/records for the reviewing physician.
- Place reminder calls to all parties 24 hours prior to the appointment.
- Provide an in-depth quality assurance review to ensure that the IME report provides a comprehensive scope of the claim, and that all issues in question are thoroughly addressed by the evaluating physician.

Record Reviews
Often, a medical record review is the best way to help move the claims process forward. Our national network of medical experts perform a comprehensive review of the medical records and provide an in-depth report summarizing the available records focusing on the details and requirements of each individual claim.
Our team will:
- Thoroughly prepare the medical file/records and cover letters for the reviewing physician.
- Request a time estimate from the physician before any work begins.
- Follow up with the physician to ensure rapid report turnaround.
- Conduct a comprehensive quality assurance review to make sure that the medical record review report covers all pertinent areas, provides a detailed scope of the claim, and addresses all issues in question.

Video Exams
In certain situations or when geographic situations make it impossible to have an in-person IME conducted, a Web Exam by video conference can be combined with a thorough review of the medical records.
Our team will:
- Along with our panel of providers, supply a professional, HIPAA-compliant secure video conferencing platform, as well as the tools necessary for the examining provider to conduct a thorough, credible, and defensible IME.
- If needed, arrange an interpreter to participate in the Web Exam to accommodate claimants where there is a language barrier.

Clients Served

Auto Injury
Whether personal injury protection (PIP)/no-fault, Med Pay, or bodily injury liability claims, QME has the local knowledge and resources to produce a state law specific report, which can then act as a work tool on how to proceed with the claim.
Our team knows what issues need to be addressed, and delivers the quality, accuracy, and timeliness demanded for an auto IME. QME provides same day to 48-hour turnaround time, accommodates evening and weekend appointments, and combines local knowledge with the most competitive price in the region.

Workers’ Compensation
QME has vast experience in the intricacies of Workers’ Compensation IMEs and Respondent Medical Exams (RMEs). We provide detailed reports designed to address all the required issues including causal relationship, pre-existing conditions, aggravation versus exacerbation, need for and appropriateness of treatment, and work capacity to full duty or with restriction.
When necessary, QME provides permanent partial disability (PPD) ratings and permanent impairment ratings in accordance with the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment

QME has over 25 years’ experience performing disability IMEs for government agencies, municipalities, cities and towns, and private insurers. Conditions ranging from injury, illness, or disease are addressed for short-term, long-term, ordinary, and accidental disability.
We address the issues pertinent to the nature of each claim to determine the degree and projected period of the disability.

General Liability
Detailed reports from QME are a necessary tool for the effective handling of general liability claims. From slip-and-fall cases to product and service or operations claims, QME’s accurate, timely reports provide the necessary information for adjudication.
From evaluating the causality and severity of injury to the legitimacy of the claim, all aspects are addressed in the IME including pre-existing injuries and conditions, appropriateness and necessity of treatment, apportionment when indicated, work capacity, and the injury’s effect on the activities of daily living.

Injured On Duty
Injured on Duty (IOD) claims involving police officers and firefighters require special attention to detail from the time of referral to the finalizing of the report. QME has the experience and competency to facilitate these unique claims with compliance to local laws, accuracy, and timely reporting.
Whether the issue involves causal relationship, pre-existing conditions, the ability to return to full duty or modified duty work, or the inability to return to duty due to a permanent disability, QME has the necessary skill to provide a detailed narrative report.